Sunday, April 28, 2024

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house stark family tree

Although some branches of the family may have been lost over time, House Stark will always remain strong and united. The family may have gone through tough times, but they will never forget their legacy or break the bonds of loyalty that bind them together. Now that Game of Thrones has ended, many fans have wondered whether House Stark will survive the winter of their decline but signs point toward the answer being yes.


Kate Bender, two years younger than her brother, seemed cut from a different cloth. For one thing she advertised her services as a healer and spiritualist. Still, the true nature of the relationship between the Benders has always been uncertain. For example, it remains unknown whether Ma and Pa Bender were actually husband and wife.

Game of Thrones: Season 5

As one of the oldest noble bloodlines in all of Westeros, the Starks can trace their descent back over 8,000 years. And as the only prominent First Men line to resist the Andal invasion, the Starks are set apart by their proud worship of the Old Gods. Robb continues his campaign against the Lannisters, winning a trio of victories in the Riverlands and a further three victories in the Westerlands. Bran and Rickon leave Winterfell after a traitorous Theon Greyjoy takes control of Winterfell.

Robb Stark

10 Most Important Starks In Westeros History - CBR

10 Most Important Starks In Westeros History.

Posted: Fri, 27 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Starks ruled as Kings of Winter over one of the many smaller, petty First Men kingdoms that were established in the North, with their chief rivals for domination being the Red Kings of House Bolton. Winter town would be raised from smallfolk seeking shelter from winter, and these would also join the Stark soldiers in fighting the Boltons. Arya becomes a silent, faceless killer who can shift into any persona she wants.

Robert's Rebellion

He later learns that Lord Renly Baratheon, one of the claimants to the Iron Throne, got killed mysteriously. When Stannis Baratheon marches on the King’s Landing, Tyrion sends Petyr Baelish to negotiate with the Tyrells. When he almost loses in the Battle of the Blackwater, his father, and House Tyrell come to the rescue. Beyond the Wall, Jon and Qhorin get captured by the Free Folk, and to prove his decampment, Jon kills his brother. Sansa Stark, second born child of Ned and Catelyn, was briefly betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon but eventually married Tyrion Lannister, though the marriage was never consummated.

Wiki of Westeros

Houses like Mormont, Greyjoy, and Karstark also assemble under the control of the Starks, establishing the family as one of the most powerful in the realm. Robb invades the Westerlands and defeats House Lannister at the Battle of Oxcross. To gain more allies, he sends Theon Greyjoy to ask his father, Lord Balon Greyjoy, for an alliance. With Bran and his companions hidden, Theon lies he has killed Bran and his brother.

house stark family tree

Kansas completed state censuses in 1865, 1875, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, and 1925. A county census was also completed at the time of application for county organization. Many of these censuses survive, and some are housed at the Kansas State Historical Society. Federal censuses for the state of Kansas began in 1860, continuing every ten years thereafter. The 1860 Kansas territorial census was taken as part of the federal census, and two copies exist.

In the novels, four of Lord Eddard Stark's six children inherit the Tully look from their mother Catelyn, possessing the auburn hair and blue eyes distinctive of House Tully. However, Arya inherits the Stark look of dark hair, grey eyes, and a long face alongside her half-brother Jon who, as Eddard's illegitimate son with an unidentified woman, does not possess Tully blood. While this has resulted in Arya being mockingly called "Horseface", Ned assures her that she bears a striking resemblance to his beautiful deceased sister Lyanna when Lyanna was a girl. Jon's own inheritance of the traditional Stark look and resemblance to Ned is a plot point illustrating he is of Stark blood and used by characters in-universe to identify Jon as a son of Eddard Stark. As a little girl, Arya once feared that she might be a bastard child because she and Jon are the only two among the Stark children to inherit the Stark look, but Jon assured her that she is a trueborn daughter. The civil war known as Robert's Rebellion began when Lyanna Stark was kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

House Stark During and After Aegon’s Conquest

By the time the King in the North, Torrhen Stark, had gathered together his widely scattered bannermen, Aegon had already conquered most of the South. Particularly, Aegon had already used his dragons to inflict a crushing defeat on both the Westerlands and the Reach at the Field of Fire. Torrhen Stark finally advanced south to the Riverlands with the amassed armies of the North to a confrontation with Aegon. However, upon seeing Aegon's vast numerical superiority and his dragons, Torrhen Stark realized he had no hope of victory, and chose to bend the knee in submission. Before Aegon's Conquest, the leaders of House Stark ruled over the region as the Kings in the North.[4] The house traces its roots to Bran the Builder, a legendary First Man who lived during the Age of Heroes and founded House Stark. Following up on the discovery of the Benders’ buckboard, Marshal Jim Snoddy from Fort Scott and posse members Colonel C.J. Peckham and Henry Beers went to Thayer, 12 miles north of the Bender inn, to inquire into train departures.

Summer dies when White Walkers burst into the Weirwood tree, and his death symbolises Winter truly arriving. Bran is also known as "The Sweet Summer Child", for he has never known Winter and its hardships. Rickon's direwolf, Shaggydog, because Rickon never received a proper education or grooming lessons, and was instead raised by a wildling, Osha. When they seek refuge with House Umber, the Umbers betray them and kill Shaggydog.

The two were secretly married and had a son, Rhaegal, whose name and heritage put him in immediate danger. The House Stark children are the protagonists of George R. R. Martin’s epic tale. With the destruction of their family, they get scattered across the known world and try to survive the brutal realities of the world. After Lord Jon Arryn’s death, Robert Baratheon traveled to Winterfell and asked Ned Stark to become the Hand of the King.

Jaime gets sent to negotiate peace, and after successfully taking Riverrun, the primary Stark supporters join the Iron Throne. Bran journeys with his friends to the Wall, where he meets Samwell Tarly and Gilly. Sam helps him pass through the magical gate of Nightfort, and he meets Coldhands. However, he manages to escape and warns the Watch of the attack from the Free Folk. He successfully stops an attack against Castle Black but loses Ygritte, a girl he loved in the fight.

Lord Rickard Stark and his son and heir Brandon both demanded her return from King Aerys II Targaryen and were executed by the Mad King for their presumption. Eddard Stark, now the head of the family, called the banners of the North to war, supported by House Baratheon, House Tully and House Arryn. It was decided that Robert Baratheon would claim the throne due to his strong claim as the grand-nephew of a previous Targaryen king. The Starks also proved instrumental in the later Greyjoy Rebellion, lending troops used by Robert to storm the castle of Pyke and crush the uprising.

Likewise, the Umbers are allied with Ramsay Bolton, who is eventually Rickon's killer at the Battle of the Bastards. Jon's direwolf, Ghost, is albino and the runt of the litter, representing a bastard's disadvantage in front of his half-sibilings. The word "ghost" makes us think of the part of a person that lives on, and when Jon is resurrected by Melisandre in Season 6, Ghost is the first being to see him alive. Ghost is white, and Jon Snow is also sometimes called the White Wolf, such as by Wyman Manderly in "The Winds of Winter." When he returned the next morning he brought the sheriff and several local men.

Ultimately, an apparent rift is created between Sansa and Arya, which Littlefinger realizes he may be able to play to his advantage. Sansa ends up brutalized and tortured at Ramsay's hands, but thankfully, when Theon, Ramsay's longtime captive, rebels against his master and helps her escape, she leaves Ramsay's clutches and reunites with Jon at the Wall. However, Ramsay still holds both Winterfell and Rickon, who he has as a captive, leaving Sansa and Jon no choice but to attack him to reclaim their family home.

The Starks rule as Wardens of the North, a position that gives them full oversight of other families in the region and gives them the responsibility to organize other noble families under the rule of the Iron Throne. House Stark plays a significant role in many key moments of Westeros’ history. As one of the oldest families on the continent, the Starks have had a hand in shaping the dynamics of power in A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF), Game of Thrones (GoT), and House of the Dragon (HotD). Obviously, this complicates things quite a bit, especially considering that Jon eventually strikes up a romantic relationship with Daenerys — who's his aunt — and can now challenge her for a place on the Iron Throne. Ultimately, what it does mean is that the Stark family, one of the oldest families in the realm, has a half-Stark, half-Targaryen card to play. After Robb’s death, Ser Brynden continues flying the Starks banner.

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